Any company is only as good as its people

Simulation U Analytics has an exceptionally skilled staff, with 15+ years of M&S and Analysis experience, complemented by relevant educational degrees.

Margaret Callahan

Has 15 years of experience in the Department of Defense (DoD) modeling, simulation, gaming, and systems engineering industry, performing tasks that include: Advanced internet research employing complex search engine functionality; Comprehensive bibliographic / data searches, aggregations, and summaries of modeling and simulation (M&S) technology, trends, and activities resulting in both publications and presentation inputs; and publishes “Simulation Highlights” an M&S technology, trends, and activities summary provided to well over 500 individuals and organizational servers, and obtained a degree in Linux Network Administration.

Dr. Ivar Oswalt

Dr. Oswalt is an experienced simulation-focused project lead, program director, and senior analyst. He has written large-scale implementation plans; used quantitative and statistical software systems to answer analytic questions; developed innovative metrics to assess cost/benefit tradeoffs of process and technology options; conducted quality assessments of software applications; and managed a distributed division of analysts, application developers, and data engineers.
Currently, as President of Simulation U Analytics, Dr. Oswalt supports the Navy's Modeling and Simulation Office (NMSO), the Department of Defense Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office (MSCO), and Simulation Prime Contractors (like SimVentions Inc.). He also leads the National M&S Coalition’s Business Practices’ Initiative on Application Domain Analysis.
Dr. Oswalt is a proven director of multi-disciplinary (contractor/government/academic) and diverse/distributed teams of project performers. He develops and employs innovative analytic, process-oriented, and quality-focused techniques. He also constructs and adheres to program plans and deliverable schedules. He understands contracting mechanisms, labor categories and reimbursement criteria, and program performance evaluation measurement.
Recently he has contributed to an effort, in support of NATO’s MSG-100 activities, organizations, goals, and objectives; formulated an approach to accomplish DoD M&S Priority Objective 2.b (to promote standards), analyzed options and implications of the use of Open Architectures in Navy M&S, lead an effort to draft the Secretary of the Navy Instruction on Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A), and helped to formulate enterprise-wide M&S metrics, potential instantiations, and possible extensions. Dr. Oswalt is a respected knowledge-leader in M&S and composes the quarterly “Current Events in Simulation” publication.

Dr. Robert Tyler

Supported the Navy Enterprise Test & Evaluation strategy for anti-air warfare systems. For the Enterprise T&E Test-bed (simulation-based, distributed, total combat system evaluation capability), developed an M&S Road Map that emphasized mission accomplishment.  Co-authored a data collection plan, a data analysis plan, helped develop the evaluation metrics, and headed the collection and analysis team for DARPA’s Integrated Battle Command program. For DoD’s National Information Infrastructure Command and Control Research Program, he performed case studies to evaluate the mission performance improvement of organizations using networked operations; his work focused on the value added of decision support tools, and the operator/tool interface.